

3.Wound’s classification and treatment

General wound care


Cut Wounds:Shallow cuts can be treated at home. If the cut wound is too deep and it may hurt nerves and muscles, then you should go to the hospital for medical advice. 

Friction Wounds: Rinse wounds first to wash off the sand and bacteria and make sure that the wounds are clean before covering the dressing. If the area of the wounds are too large, then you should go to the hospital for medical advice.


Bruises: A slight internal hemorrhage occurs, but the bruises generally will be gone in a few days. However, please be aware if
a fracture occurred.

Do not break the blisters. If the blisters break one accidentally, do not peel off the skin, rinse it carefully with tap water and cover it with a wound dressing.


Biting: The risk of animal bite infection is high. No matter the size of the wound, you should go to the hospital for medical advice and treatments.

Laceration: First rinse the foreign objects on the wounds thoroughly with plenty of clean water and make sure that the wounds are clean and then cover the dressings. If you want the wounds heal better, you should go to the hospital for medical advice and treatments.


Puncture wounds: If the puncture wounds are too deep or the foreign objects cannot be removed, you should go to the hospital for medical advice immediately. Care must be taken during the removal of foreign objects to avoid any objects being left in the body, which is harmful to the body.

Burns: Cool the wounds with cold water immediately. If the area of burns is large, you should go to the hospital for medical advice. In the case of low temperature burns, even the wound is small, you should go to the hospital for medical advice.

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